Beberapa hari yang lalu saya sudah memberikan penghormatan terakhir kepada Prof ahli bidang penerjemahan, Peter Newmark. Nah, sekarang saatnya saya berbagi tentang catatan beliau dalam beberapa bukunya yang sangat masyhur. Newmark (1998: 115) menjabarkan dalam catatannya tentang apa itu ‘menerjemah’. Berikut kutipannya:
To translate is to choose. Choice depends on criteria. Criteria are subordinate to a theory. A translator consciously or unconsciously follows a theory of translation, just as a language or a grammar teacher follows a theory of language. Therefore, pace Gutt, Douglas Robinson, Anthony Pym and other distinguished translation 'theorists' who think that translation can dispense with a theory, a theory of translation (which has to give some kind of answer to the 'free or literal' question) is indispensable. (I withdraw my statement in Approaches that no general theory of translation is possible, but, to cover all texts, it has to be on a high level of abstraction.) Further, elegance and neatness, in their 17th century mathematical senses, should normally be the stylistic criteria of a translation.
Silahkan baca dengan seksama, karena saya tidak bisa menerjemahkannya dengan baik. Hehehe.. Jika ada diantara kalian yang dengan suka rela mau menerjemahkan paragraf diatas, yuk cepetan.
Newmark, Peter. 1998. More Paragraphs on Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
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