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Saturday, November 9, 2013

7 Hal Penting dalam Mengajarkan Vocabulary

Setelah mengetahui beberapa teknik dalam mengajarkan vocabulary bahasa Inggris (baca: Teknik Pengajaran Vocabulary), sekarang pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Inggris beralih pada beberapa hal penting dalam mengajarkan vocabulary. Dalam mempelajari kosakata / vocabulary bahasa Inggris, setidaknya ada 7 hal penting yang harus kita ketahui. Hal ini diungkapkan Baker dan Westrup (2000: 37) tentang poin-poin penting dalam pengajaran vocabulary bahasa Inggris berikut ini:
    vocabulary inggris, vocab bahasa inggris
  1. When presenting new vocabulary, you must teach its meaning and pronunciation.
  2. The precise meaning of new words, in specific contexts, is very important
  3. The meaning of new words can be taught through pictures, mime, real objects as well as from a situation in context.
  4. Teachers need to ask questions to check that students understand the meaning
  5. Students need lots of varied practice of new vocabulary
  6. Students need to revise new vocabulary regularly
  7. Students need to record and store new vocabulary in a helpful way. Well-recorded new vocabulary can improve students' learning.
Nah, begitulah kira-kira 7 hal penting yang perlu kita ingat dalam mengajarkan vocabulary bahasa Inggris.

Baker, Joanna and Westrup, Heather. 2000. The English Language Teacher's Handbook. New York: VSO

The Battle for Surabaya - Mengenang Hari Pahlawan

Tidak disangka besok 10 November. Kita harus ingat hari itu adalah hari pahlawan di Indonesia. Tak ada yang bisa kita lakukan kecuali mengenang dan meneruskan perjuangan para pahlawan kita dahulu. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengingat-ingat datangnya hari pahlawan, kita lihat cerita tentang pertempuran di Surabaya berikut ini:

At the end of World War II many Indonesians believed that independence was imminent. Few realised that it would be another five years of fighting before the country became a fully independent republic. The area around the east Javanese town of Surabaya became the scene of some of the heaviest fighting, and the Battle of Surabaya, which cost the lives of many thousands of Indonesians, became a symbol of resistance to the re-imposition of Dutch colonial rule. 

hari pahlawan indonesia, pidato bahasa inggris hari pahlawanThe future President Sukarno declared independence on 17 August 1945, and on 19 September, Dutch internees, with Japanese support, occupied the Oranje Hotel in Surabaya, and hoisted the Dutch flag. While this was taking place, young Indonesians were busily replacing Japanese flags in all the offices with Indonesian ones. 

When they heard what the Dutch had done, the Indonesians rushed to the hotel, and hand to hand fighting began with the Dutch, who were determined to defend their flag. Very soon shots were heard, and several people fell - both Dutch and Indonesian - as several Indonesian youths climed the flagpole and ripped the blue stripe off the Dutch flag. 

By the beginning of October, fierce fighting had broken out between the Indonesians and the Japanese, who refused to hand over their arms. The Indonesians managed to take possession of numerous buildings throughout Surabaya, and commandeered hundreds of cars and trucks to facilitate their movement throughout the town. 

Then, on 25 October, some 6,000 British troops of the 49th Brigade of the 23rd Division under the command of Brigadier Mallaby, entered Surabaya. They had been ordered to organise the recovery of Allied prisoners-of-war, and the Indonesians were happy to co-operate. However, the British also sought to recapture Surabaya for the Dutch, and occupied key buildings and railway stations, and dropped leaflets over the town informing the populace that anyone seen bearing arms would be shot. 

The British had underestimated the extent of Indonesian resistance, and indeed the numbers involved. They found themselves up against a force of 20,000 troops of the newly-formed People's Security Army (Tentara Keamanan Rakyat), and over 100,000 irregular fighters, all dedicated to the cause of Indonesian independence. Fierce fighting broke out on 28 October, and soon the Indonesians had surrounded the eight British command posts scattered throughout the city. 

Faced with certain defeat, the British asked Jakarta to intervene, and the following day General Hawthorne, President Sukarno, and VP Hatta flew in to negotiate a truce. A truce was reached on 30 October, and the party from Jakarta left. An evacuation of the British to the harbour was arranged, but in the excitement and confusion, fighting erupted during which Brigadier Mallaby was killed. 

The British then decided to take Surabaya by force, and secretly landed 24,000 troops of the 5th Division, along with 24 Sherman tanks and the same number of armed aircraft, backed by a number of warships. 

On 9 November, the British gave the Indonesians an ultimatum, ordering their leaders to surrender. When they refused, bombs were dropped on Surabaya on 10 November, heralding a battle that was to last three weeks, at the end of which 200,000 of the town's population had fled, mainly old people, women and children. Over 16,000 Indonesian troops had been killed, and 2,000 British lives lost. 

Although the Indonesian resistance had been defeated, the Battle of Surabaya represented an important strategic victory for the Indonesians. It was also an important turning point for the Dutch, who until then had believed that the resistance had no popular support. The Battle of Surabaya shocked them into realising that they were no longer a colonial power.

Semoga cerita hari pahlawan berbahasa Inggris diatas bisa menginspirasi kita untuk terus melanjutkan perjuangan para pahlawan.


The Perfect Translator

The Perfect translator adalah catatan Peter Newmark mengenai siapa sih orang yang bisa dianggap sebagai penerjemah yang sempurna. Mari kita lihat bersama pendapat ringkas Newmark (1998: 114) berikut ini:

Listening to the great Brendel discussing his teacher Edwin Fischer's faithful and true renderings of the great classics and deploring all the fioriture (ornamentations, embellishments) and free 'improvements' of past generations of pianists, I thought I was listening to the perfect translator. Admittedly, there is no absolute fidelity, all Brendel's interpretations are stamped with his own genius (pardon, ideology), there is no definitive translation any more than there is definitive musical interpretation, but what a difference between this and the cultural relativism that puts (lately) Raymond Chandler on the same level as Shakespeare.

Newmark, Peter. 1998. More Paragraphs on Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Puisi Cinta Sedih - Lost in Love

Lost in Love - Puisi Cinta Bahasa Inggris
by Cynthia Riding
Sometimes I feel so lost,
in this marriage were in. (ganti marriage dengan relationship jika ditunjukkan untuk pacar)
This isn't what I dreamed,
neither one of us wins.

Kadang ku tersesat

Dalam pernikahan ini
Ini bukanlah yang 'ku impikan
Diantara kita berdua tak ada yang menang 

You used to hold me tight,
through all the pain that came.
We used to talk all night,
why can't it be the same?

Dulu kau memelukku erat
Kita sering berbicang saat tiba malam
Lewati semua rasa sakit yang menjerat
Mengapa kini tak lagi sama seperti dulu kala?

I don't know what to do,
this love is all a lie.
You used to hold me up,
and now you make me cry.

 'Ku tak tahu harus berbuat apa

Cinta ini semuanya dusta
Dulu kau menunda-nunda kemajuanku
Dan sekarang kau membuatku menangis

All that we have been through,
brought all my love to you.
Why are we giving up?
we can't say it's through.

Semua yang telah kita lalui

Telah membawa semua cintaku untukmu
Mengapa kini kita menyerah?
Kita tak bisa ucapkan sekarang kita lalui 

I love you more than life,
your everything to me.
This isn't what I dreamed,
Oh baby. please help it be

Aku mencintaimu lebih dari hidupku
Kaulah segalaku
Itulah yang aku impikan
Sayang.... wujudkanlah impian itu.............. 

Download - Puisi Bahasa Inggris - Kumpulan Puisi Terbaik (Free Ebook)
Baca juga : Puisi Perpisahan Cinta

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - Teks + Audio MP3

Artikel percakapan Bahasa Inggris ini bisa membantu kita dalam kemampuan speaking dan listening. Sedang file Audi MP3 nya bisa dilihat di akhir dialog atau di akhir posting ini. Untuk menjalankan player percakapan Bahasa Inggris ini, silahkan tekan tombol play di bawah ini:

Untuk itu mari kita lihat teks dialog percakapan Bahasa Inggris berjudul Sponger berikut:

Neil: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Neil.
Li: And I'm Li. Neil, is that a new watch?
Neil: Yes I got it from my parents.
Li: Oh that's nice.
Neil: Did I tell you I'm going on holiday soon?
Li: No, where?
Neil: To Hawaii.
Li: Wow, how can you afford a holiday to Hawaii?
Neil: My in-laws paid for it. We told them it was too expensive but, you know, we just need a holiday.
Li: Hmm… so your in-laws have paid for your holiday too…
Neil: I'm thinking of giving up work actually, Li.
Li: Giving up work? What about the cost of living?
Neil: Oh my wife can work. You know what, Li? I really need to move into a bigger house in a nicer part of London.
Li: But you just said you're going to give up work! How can you afford a new house if you have no job?
Neil: My grandparents will give me some money. They always do.
Li: Neil, there's a word for people like you. You're a sponger!
Neil: A sponger!? How rude!

A: When I was at university I had no money at all. I had to buy second-hand clothes and I could never afford to go out for a meal even though I had a part-time job.
B: Yeah me too, but there were all these other students with cars and designer labels eating in expensive restaurants all paid for by Daddy.
A: What a bunch of spongers.
B: Yeah.

Li: A sponger is a person who gets money, food and other things from other people without paying. Often it's used very negatively to describe people who live off state benefits.
Neil: Just like a sponge.
Li: Yes, a sponge.
Neil: A sponge soaks up the water all around it. A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working. And it can also be used as a verb – to sponge off someone.
Li: It's also a verb 'to sponge off someone.' Be careful to use the word 'off' with this verb.
Neil: Whether it's a verb or a noun, it's still not a nice thing to say about someone, Li.
Li: Well I'm sorry to be rude, but it's true – you are a sponger.
Neil: You're right. I'm a sponger but I'm proud of it. Do you fancy taking me out for dinner? There's a fantastic restaurant I've been meaning to go to. It's very expensive, but you can afford it Li.
Li: He's trying to sponge a meal off me! What a sponger…

Klik link dibawah untuk mendownload File Audio MP3 Percakapan Bahasa Inggris diatas.

Untuk mendownload lebih banyak file tentang percakapan bahasa Inggris baik file audio mp3 dan teksnya, silahkan kesini

Makna About To

Apa itu about to? DAlam bahasa Inggris, 'about to' sering dianggap sebagai auxiliary karena sering berpasangan dengan 'to be'. Dalam hal ini, about to menjadi 'be about to'. Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris about to selalu diikuti oleh bare infinitive alias kata kerja murni yang tidak dicampuri penanda plural 's' ataupun penanda verb lainnya.

Untuk memahami makna 'about to' atau 'be about to' mari kita sama-sama menyimak penjelasan Swan (2005: 3) berikut ini:

About + infinitive (with to) means 'going to very soon' 'just going to'. Not about to can mean 'unwilling to'.

About to bermakna 'akan segera' dan 'baru saja akan'. Sedang 'not about to' dapat berarti 'tidak berharap''tidak berniat'.


Don't go out now - We're about to have lunch. - Jangan pergi dulu, kita baru saja akan makan siang.
I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang. - Saya baru saja akan tidur ketika telpon bunyi.
I'm not about to pay 10 dollars for that dress. - Saya tidak berminat membayar 10 dolar untuk baju itu.

Swan, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press.

Contoh - Contoh Homophone Bahasa Inggris

Contoh homophone dalam bahasa Inggris ini dilengkapi dengan suara dalam bentuk mp3 sehingga kita bisa mengetahui persamaan suara kata-kata tersebut. Karena seperti kita ketahui, homophone adalah kata yang bunyinya sama, namun tulisannya berbeda, dieja juga beda, dan tentu saja berbeda artinya.

Untuk melihat contoh-contoh homophone bahasa Inggris silahkan langsung ke link di bawah ini:


Jika link diatas tidak bisa dibuka, mohon diinformasikan agar posting ini bisa diperbaiki.

Classifier - Noun sebagai Modifier

Dalam aturan Grammar bahasa Inggris, Modifier adalah istilah untuk kata, phrase, atau bahkan klause yang menjelaskan kata, phrase, atau klause lainnya. (Rumit ya?)

Oke, kita berikan saja contoh-contoh modifier berikut ini: 

==> A Beautiful Girl with the black hair
    Kata beautiful menejelaskan kata girl, dan kata kata A menjelaskan frasa beautiful girl. Lalu frasa with the black hair menjelaskan frasa a beautiful girl, begitu... Masih rumit? Kita rinci saja begini:

    beautiful ----> girl
    A ----------> beautiful giril
    A beautiful girl <-------- with the black hair.

    Silahkan pahami. Lanjut, anggap saja sudah paham semua.

    Intinya, jika ada kata, frasa, atau klausa yang menjelaskan kata, frasa, atau klausa lainnya baik dari segi sifatnya (adjective) atau keterangannya (adverbial), maka ketiganya dianggap sebagai modifier.

    Modifier, dalam dunia penulisan word order, disebut juga sebagai Classifier. Si Classifier in adalah modifier dalam bentuk noun lagi.

    Perlu diingat bahwa modifier memang lebih dikenal karena adjective (kata sifat) dan adverbial (kata keterangan), namun ternyata ada noun yang bisa difungsikan sebagai modifier, ya ini dia si classifier.


    • They sell shoes at the store. It is a shoe store.

    Nah, kata shoes adalah noun yang difungsikan sebagai object of a verb 'sell'. Jadi, kata shoe tersebut adalah noun murni sebagai object, maka tidak apa-apa jika ditambahkan s untuk menandakan regular plural noun.

    Sedang kata shoe yang kedua, itu adalah noun sebagai modifier, disebut juga Noun adjuct. Jadi tidak boleh menambahkan s sebagai bentuk plural / jamak. :-)

    Contoh Terjemahan Puitis-Estetik

    Terjemahan Puitis-Estetik juga telah dijelaskan pada posting mengenai jenis terjemahan menurut Brislin. Setelah sebelumnya kita bahasan mengenai contoh terjemahan pragmatik, sekarang kita bahas tentang contoh terejemahan puitis-estetik. Untuk mempersingkat pembahasan terjemahan puitis-estetik ini, langsung saja kita lihat contoh bahasa sumber yang akan diterjemahkan dengan terjemahan puitis-estetik berikut ini:

    The rising sun is found not to be the rising sun
    It is the world which goes around
    The bachelor is found not to be a bachelor
    It is the flower that thought he was a liar
    The love that shines collides with the lust and desire she fears
    And the bachelor flies to the skies to gt the dice to show in front of her eyes.
    But he dies and she dies.

    If we can't say good bye eye to eye
    Then we don't have to cry
    But actually I want to cry
    For you must fly high up in the sky
    Leaving me alone here high and dry
    There will be no more lullaby
    Recited with a tone of shy

    Terjemahan ke bahasa Indonesianya menjadi seperti berikut:

    Matahari terbit ternyata bukanlah matahari terbit
    Dunialah yang sebenarnya mengorbit
    Sang bujangan ternyata bukanlah seorang bujangan
    Si bungalah yang menganggapnya pengarang
    Cinta yang bersinar bertabrakan dengan birahi dan hasrat yang dia takutkan
    Dan sang bujangan terbang ke langit 'tuk mengambil dadu untuk dia tunjukkan di depan matanya
    Namun, sang bujangan mati dan sang bunga pun mati.

    Kalaulah kita tidak bisa ucapkan selamat tinggal bertatap muka
    Maka janganlah kita menangis
    Namun, sebenarnya aku benar-benar ingin menangis
    Karena kau harus terbang tinggi ke angkasa
    Tinggalkan aku sebatang kara
    Tak akan ada lagi nyanyian nina bobo
    Yang dinyanyikan malu-malu

    Choliludin. 2007. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc.

    Contoh Terjemahan Pragmatik

    Terjemahan pragmatik (Pragmatic Translation) telah dijelaskan pada artikel jenis terjemahan menurut Brislin. Untuk mengulangi penjelasan mengenai terjemahan pragmatik, oke lah saya beri penjelasannya lagi. Terjemahan pragmatik adalah terjemahan yang mengacu pada pesan yang akurasi informasi bahasa sumbernya harus tepat. Jadi, pesan dalam teks bahasa sumber (tulisan yang akan diterjemah) harus dijelaskan dengan sejelas-jelasnya.

    Contoh yang pas untuk terjemahan pragmatik ini bisa kita lihat pada teks terjemahan yang memuat informasi mengenai perbaikan mesin, seperti kalimat bahasa sumber berikut ini:

    For printing photographs, illustrations, use of high Resolution Paper, Glossy Photo Paper or High Photo Film is recommended. These media provide better colour reproduction and brighter colours than plain paper.

    Terjemahan ke Bahasa Indonesia menjadi:

    Untuk mencetak foto dan ilustrasi atau gambar, gunakan kertas dengan resolusi tinggi, yaitu kertas foto glossy atau disarankan menggunakan kertas film glossy yang memiliki resolusi tinggi. Media ini akan menghasilkan hasil warna gambar yang lebih baik dan lebih jelas dari pada menggunakan kertas biasa.

    Nah, dari contoh terjemahan pragmatik diatas bisa kita lihat kejelasan pesan yang disampaikan oleh penerjemah, bukan?

    Choliludin. 2007. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc

    Thursday, November 7, 2013

    Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Stasiun Kereta Api

    Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Stasiun Kereta Api ini mungkin cocok untuk anda yang sering bolak-balik menggunakan kereta api. Jangan salah, conversation atau percakapan bahasa inggris ini bisa menambah kemampuan kita dalam memberanikan diri berbicara pada orang yang tidak kita kenal. Oke, langsung saja kita lihat contoh dialog bahasa Inggris di stasiun kereta berikut ini:

    MOHAN : Good afternoon.
    ENQUIRY CLERK : Good afternoon. What can I do for you, sir?
    MOHAN : What time is the Andhra Pradesh Express expected?
    ENQUIRY CLERK : The scheduled time of its arrival is 4 o'clock.
    MOHAN : But it's already fifteen minutes past four and there's yet no sign of its arrival.
    ENQUIRY CLERK : I'm afraid it's running late by over an hour, and we've already announced it's running late.

    MOHAN : I haven't heard any such announcement. I've been at the station for over ten minutes.
    ENQUIRY CLERK : Perhaps, it was made before you came. Let me check ... It was made at 3.55, exactly 20 minutes ago. 
    MOHAN : Do you make only oral announcements?
    ENQUIRY CLERK : No, we also write them on the noticeboard just in front of the ASM's1 office.
    MOHAN : Don't you think these announcements should be a little more frequent?
    ENQUIRY CLERK : Well, I can't answer that question. For that you can speak to the ASM, if you like.

    MOHAN : Very well. When exactly will the train arrive?
    ENQUIRY CLERK: At 5.10. This is the position at the moment. But, it may cover some time, or it may be delayed further. We'll make another announcement as soon as we receive a message.

    MOHAN : Bother!2 This will mean a lot of inconvenience to people. Have you thought of that?
    ENQUIRY CLERK : I'm sorry, but I can't help it. Bear with me for some more time, please, and make yourself comfortable in the waiting room


    Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Perpustakaan

    Percakapan bahasa Inggris yang berlokasi di perpustakaan ini bisa dijadikan bahan ketika kita ingin mengadakan conversation di daerah sekolah, kampus, perpustakaan umum atau wilayah perpustakaan lainnya. Memang percakapan bahasa inggris bisa dilakukan dimana saja, tapi dengan ini semoga saja percakapan bahasa Inggris kita semakin baik dan lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya. Mari kita lihat bersama-sama contoh dialog bahasa inggris antara siswa dengan penjaga perpustakaan berikut ini:

    STUDENT : I want to return these four books.
    COUNTER CLERK : But two of these were due on Monday. You're late by three days. I'm afraid you'll have to pay the fine.

    STUDENT : Oh yes, I know that. But ... I was sick and have not been able to come to college these four days. You condone the delay under special circumstances, don't you? And my sickness is a special circumstance, isn't it?

    COUNTER CLERK : Yes, it is. But you should talk to the librarian. My duty is just to charge the fine if it is due according to the rules.

    STUDENT : Very well, I'll see the librarian. Meanwhile, please issue me with these two books. Oh, wait a minute. I want another book too. Let me go to the racks and find out that one also.

    percakapan bahasa inggris di perpustakaanCOUNTER CLERK : OK, I'll wait and lend you all the three together.
    STUDENT (later) : Here's the book I wanted. Now please issue them.
    COUNTER CLERK : Would you sign here, please? And here also?
    STUDENT : Oh, I want to point out something. In this book, one page is missing. It's page 231. You can have a look.

    COUNTER CLERK : My,* somebody has torn it away! How callous! ... I must stamp page 230 to indicate that page 231 has been torn out.

    STUDENT : Is this necessary?
    COUNTER CLERK : Yes, very necessary. Otherwise this may be blamed on you, or the next borrower after you.

    STUDENT : Thanks very much.
    COUNTER CLERK : That's all right.


    The Importance of the Source Text Language

    The Importance of the Source Text Language adalah salah satu catatan Peter Newmark. Namun begitu, bagi seorang penerjemah, Teks Bahasa Sumber adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam penerjemahan. Untuk itu, mari kita bersama-sama melihat apa yang diungkapkan oleh Peter Newmark (1998: 112) berikut ini:

    In my opinion, in the future, the degree of closeness both of a literary and a non-literary translation should depend on the importance of the source text language. (By 'language', I mean 'the words on the page' (Leavis), as opposed to the thought-content, the facts or the hidden agenda of the original.)

    The importance of the language depends on the following factors:

    1. The authority of the text. I take it that in serious poetry (the densest and most expressive of all forms of language), short stories, plays to a lesser extent, novels, works by experts with pretensions to style, statutes, patents, treaties, and many official statements, the language is as important as the content.
    2. The make-up of the language. Technical and institutional terms and standardized language have to be translated by their accepted equivalents, if these exist, and, additionally, explained in couplets, if the readership is unlikely to understand them. Cohesive markers are always important. Translationally, concrete nouns are more important than verbs, concept-nouns, adjectives and adverbs (in that order) since the four latter are more affected by ideology, and are likely to have more synonyms in the source and target languages. Thus in a headline, 'A nasty odour in Parliament', only 'Parliament' is likely to be invariant in translation.
    3. In art for art's sake writing and in nonsense literature, as well as strongly alliterative, sonorous and figurative passages, the sense where necessary gives way to the rhetoric.
    4. In strongly reader-oriented texts, the source language where appropriate gives way to cultural or technical explanations.

    Newmark, Peter. 1998. More Paragraphs on Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

    Wednesday, November 6, 2013

    Bahasa Inggrisnya Mahkamah Konstitusi / MK

    Setelah mengetahui Bahasa Inggris Kementerian-Kementerian Republik Indonesia, Iseng iseng aja, mungkin ada yang belum tahu Bahasa Inggrisnya MK/Mahkamah Konstitusi? Bagi yang sudah tahu Bahasa Inggrisnya Mahkamah Konstitusi, bagus, berarti anda gemar membaca. Tapi bagi yang belum mengetahui Bahasa Inggrisnya Mahkamah Konstitusi atau MK, jangan berkecil hati, sekarang teman-teman pasti akan mengetahuinya, Oke.

    Mahkamah = Court
    Konstitusi = Constitution

    Karena dalam Bahasa Inggris susunannya dibalik, maka bukan Court Constitution, tapi yang benar adalah Constitutional Court, Oke.

    Ingat, Bahasa Inggrisnya Mahkamah Konstitusi = The Constitutional Court.

    Untuk menshahihkan terjemahan bahasa Inggris Mahkamah Konstitusi atau MK tersebut, mari kita lihat contohnya dalam sebuah paragraf:

    The first page of the history of the Constitutional Court is the adoption of the idea of the Constitutional Court in the constitution amendment done by the Peoples Consultative Assembly in 2001, as formulated in the Act No. 24 Article (2) and the Act No. 24C of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, as the result of the third change appointed on 9 November 2001. The idea to establish a Constitutional Court is a development of discourses in state and law emerged in the 20th Seen from the development of the time, Indonesia is the 78th country, which establishes a Constitutional Court, as well as the first country in the world establishing this institution in this 21st century.

    Sudah tahu kan sekarang????

    Bahasa Inggris Kementerian-Kementerian di Indonesia

    Beberapa hari yang lalu, ada seorang kawan menanyakan apa bahasa Inggrisnya Kementerian Agama. Aduh saya juga bingung, soalnya saya tidak kerja di kementrian, hehehe, lagi pula dulu kan namanya bukan kementrian, tapi departemen??. Kadang ada juga yang nanyain Bahasa Inggrisnya MPR, DPR, Kejaksaan Agung, Polri, TNI, dan lain-lain, pokoknya lengkap. Oke lah kalau begitu, saya berikan daftar lengkap 34 kementerian Republik Indonesia, baik bahasa Indonesianya ataupun terjemahannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Let’s check these out…. 

    1.   Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Mentri Kordinator Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan/Menkopolhukam)
    2.   Coordinating Minister for the Economy (Mentri Kordinator Ekonomi)
    3.   Coordinating Minister for People Welfare (Mentri Kordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat/Menkokesra)
    4.   Ministry of the State Secretariat (Kementrian Sekretaris Negara / Kemensesneg)
    5.   Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama / Kemenag)
    6.   Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Kementerian sumber daya mineral dan energy / kemenesdm)
    7.   Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kementerian Luar Negeri / Kemenlu)
    8.   Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia / Kemenkumham)
    9.   Ministry of Forestry (Kementerian Kehutanan / Kemenhut)
    10. Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan)
    11. Ministry of Finance (Kementrian Keuangan)
    12. Ministry of Defense (Kementerian Pertahanan / Kemenhan)
    13. Ministry of Industry (Kementerian Industri)
    14. Ministry of Social Services (Kementerian Sosial / Kemensos)
    15. Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi / Kemenakertrans)
    16. Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementerian dalam Negeri / Kemendagri)
    17. Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan)
    18. Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kementerian Budaya dan Parawisata / Kemendbudpar)
    19. Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika / Kemenkominfo)
    20. Ministry of Public Work (Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum)
    21. Ministry of Transportation (Kementerian Perhubungan / Kemenhub)
    22. Ministry of National Education (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional / Kemendiknas)
    23. Ministry of Trade (Kementerian Perdagangan / Kemendag)
    24. Ministry of Agriculture (Kementerian Pertanian / Kementan)
    25. State Minister for Research and Technology (Mentri Negara Riset dan Teknologi)
    26. State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises (Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah / Kemenkop UKM)
    27. State Minister for The Environment (Kementerian Negara Lingkungan Hidup)
    28. State Minister for Woman Empowerment (Kementerian Negara Pemberdayaan Wanita)
    29. State Minister for the Empowerment of State Apparaturs  (Kementerian Negara Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara)
    30. State Minister for Acceleration Development Backward Regions (Kementerian Negara Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal / PDT)
    31. State Minister for Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional / BAPPENAS)
    32. State Minister for State Owned Enterprises (Kementerian Negara BUMN)
    33. State Minister for Public Housing (Kementerian Negara Perumahan Rakyat / Kemenpera)
    34. State Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs (Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga / Kemenpora)

    Ministrial level of Officials / Lembaga Negara Setingkat Menteri

    1.   Attorney General (Kejaksaan)
    2.   Indonesian National Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia / TNI)
    3.   Indonesian National Police (Polisi Republik Indonesia / Polri)

    Translate Everything

    Seorang penerjemah, translator, itu harus menerjemahkan apa sih? Nah ini dia Peter Newmark (1998: 133) menjelaskan secara singkat tentang apa saja yang harus diterjemahkan. Yuk kita lihat sama-sama:

    I think university students are so used to having to translate untitled and sourceless little extracts that I continually have to remind them to translate everything: in a newspaper article, straplines (across the top of the page), headlines, sub-headings, by-lines, standfirsts (introductory paragraph in bold), cross-heads, titles, sub-titles, cross-titles, the small print anchors (final paragraph in bold), captions, footnotes, and full detail of the source, including date and year of publication, the latter usually at the head of the translation. Mr Bill Duffin of Cottingham reminds me in an opportune letter that the translator must be the only person, apart from the author, who reads and translates every single word of the original, including the title page, back of title page, ISBN number, preface(s), table of contents, list of diagrams or plates, text, appendices, references, bibliography, all notes, epilogue.

    Wah, ternyata buanyak juga...

    Newmark, Peter. 1998. More Paragraphs on Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

    The Paradoxes of Translation

    Peter Newmark (1998: 99) menjelaskan dengan sangat lugas mengenai The Paradoxes of Translation berikut ini:

    Like my master F. R. Leavis, I am always trying to find areas of agreement about my subject with my colleagues and my students; but this is often a vain task, since translation reflects politics, morality, aesthetics. Most people would agree that one purpose of translating is to make the original text comprehensible to the putative reader. I would add, normally outside the text, if the text is authoritative and needs explanation. Many would disagree. I would add, even if the text is culturally or linguistically obscure to the first readership. Many would disagree. And then, in other moods, I say why not make the second readership do its own homework, which the first readership had to do? Why hand out everything on a plate?

    Sangat mengena  !!!!

    Newmark, Peter. 1998. More Paragraphs on Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

    Percakapan Bahasa Inggris - di Pasar

    Apa teman-teman pernah pergi ke pasar? Pasti pernah kan.. Apa pernah tawar menawar dengan penjual dengan Bahasa Inggris? Ah, saya belum yakin tuh. Hehe. Oleh karena itu, yuk belajar conversation atau percakapan Bahasa Inggris mengenai tawar-menawar dan hal lain ketika kita ada di pasar berikut ini:

    JANAKI : (to her husband Surendra). Why don't we come to the market more often?
    SURENDRA : I don't find it a very enjoyable place.
    JANAKI : But I do. I want to come here every day.
    SURENDRA : Come here every day, then. Who stops you? You have nothing better to do . . .
    JANAKI : Now, don't shout, dear. I didn't say I will come here every day; I said I want to come here.
    SURENDRA : Let's not argue any more. Let's quickly do the shopping and go home. The children must be getting impatient.

    JANAKI : OK, here's the shopping list. We'll first buy toiletries and groceries and then go to the vegetable stall.

    SURENDRA : That's right. Let's go to the department store next door.
    SHOP ASSISTANT : What can I do for you, madam?
    JANAKI : We're new to this store and we don't know where things are. Can you tell us where the groceries are? And the toiletries?

    SHOP ASSISTANT : For the groceries turn right, madam, and then walk straight on until you come to the end of the corridor. And for the toiletries, just turn left and you walk right into them.

    JANAKI : Thanks.
    SURENDRA : I want these 15 items. Please make me the bill quickly.
    COUNTER CLERK : I'll take only a minute, sir. Here's the bill.
    JANAKI : Most of the vegetables I wanted to buy are stale. Some of them are even rotten. You should've thrown them away.

    COUNTER CLERK : Sorry, madam. In fact, yesterday the wholesale market was closed, and so we couldn't bring in fresh supplies.

    JANAKI : But that doesn't mean you should sell rotten vegetables.
    COUNTER CLERK : Sorry, madam.
    JANAKI : I won't come to this place again.
    SURENDRA : Not until next week! Bye!

    Semoga dialog bahasa inggris di atas bisa dipahami ya :)