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Friday, February 14, 2014

Procedure Text - Penjelasan & Contoh

Procedure Text (jangan baca procedural teks) adalah salah satu materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris tingkat menengah yang wajib sobat kuasai. Nah.. sobat butuh penjelasan lebih "unik" mengenai procedure text, silahkah baca tulisan ini dengan terlebih dahulu berdo'a, semoga apa yang saya pelajari bisa membuat saya bisa menguasai bahasa Inggris, amin.

Jangan pernah merasa bosan untuk membaca, toh membaca bukanlah tindakan kriminal. Oleh karena itu, baca saja penjelasan pelajaran bahasa Inggris tentang procedure text / teks procedure ini tanpa harus mengeluh. Jika sobat mengeluh, saya khawatir di suatu hari sobat menyesal tidak membaca tulisan ini :) Oke, langsung saja berikut adalah daftar isi tulisan mengenai procedural text yang bisa sobat baca, tinggal klik, sobat akan "dengan cepat" menuju tulisan ini:


Ada tiga definisi "umum" mengenai procedure text : (1)Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. (2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules. (3) Texts that deal with human behaviour eg how to live happily, how to succeed.

Dari keterangan di atas, dapat kita garis bawahi bahwa procedure text adalah (1) Teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu bekerja atau teks yang menjelaskan cara menggunakan pedoman instruksi / penggunaan. contoh : cara menggunakan video, komputer, mesin fotokopi, fax dll. (2) Teks yang menunjukan cara melakukan aktifitas tertentu. contoh : resep, aturan bermain game, eksperimen ilmiah, aturan keamanan berkendara. (3) Teks yang berhubungan dengan tingkah laku manusia. contoh : cara hidup bahagian, cara sukses. dll..

The purpose procedural text is to tell the reader how to do or make something. The information is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps. These texts are usually written in the present tense. The most common example of a procedural text is a recipe.

Tujuan procedure text adalah memberitahu pembaca cara melakukan / membuat sesuatu. Informasi disajikan dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis. Peristiwa tersebut biasanya dibagi menjadi beberapa langkah-langkah terpisah. Teks ini biasanya ditulis menggunakan present tense. Contoh paling umum procedure text adalah resep masakan.


Seperti halnya pengertian procedure text di atas, generic structure (susunan umum) procedure text juga ada tiga :
(1) Goal (Maksud atau tujuan)
(2) Material Needed (Materi / alat / bahan yang dibutuhkan)
(3) Methods or Steps (Metode / langkah-langkah)

Catatan : Pada procedure text yang berupa How-to ("Pokoknya berjudul how to"), kadang material needed (materi yang dibutuhkan) tidak disertakan. (aturan tidak wajib sih dan bisa diubah2 kok :)


Nasi goreng, "fried rice" is a familiar food from Indonesia; if you want to know how to prepare nasi goreng this is the procedure how to make nasi goreng. Just follow this explanation :

Ingredients :

  • 350 gr. Long Grain Rice
  • 2 Tbs. Vegetable Oil
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Green Chillis, Sambal Ulek or Sambal Badjak.
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 1 Leek
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Coriander
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
  • 250 gr. Chicken meat
  • 250 gr. Shelled Prawns
  • 3 Tbs. Kecap Manis

Steps :

This dish is best made from cold leftover rice, but you can cook a fresh batch and leave it to cool for at least 4 hours. Beat the eggs and make into a omelette, slice into strips and set aside. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the chopped onion, leek, garlic and chillis. Fry until the onion is soft. Add the Coriander and Cumin. Slice Chicken into strips and add with the prawns to the onion mixture and cook, stirring occasionally until they are well mixed. Add the rice, soya sauce and omelet strips and cook for a further 5 minutes.Decorate with some of the leftover leek and serve hot. Enjoy. 


  • Sitting on the bike, make sure you know where the brakes are and how to operate them.
  • You have to learn to balance the bike. Find a person who can hold your bike behind you and try to steady it as you pedal. Also find a place to ride that is grassy or such.
  • After practicing for a couple minutes, the person can release his or her hands while you try to keep your balance.
  • When you are ready, ride alone. But first lower the seat until you can sit on it and put both feet flat on the ground.
  • When you are confident you can put your feet on the pedals and coast for a few feet, try not putting your feet down to train your sense of balance. Do this for 30-45 minutes or so, until you have a good feel and some confidence about steering the bike.
  • As you gain experience, raise the seat up so that only your toes can touch the ground while you are seated. This is the more appropriate height for your seat.
  • Finally, you have to practice.
  • Once you can balance, pedal, start, and stop, you're a bicycle rider. Congratulations!
Untuk sementara, contoh-contoh procedure text hanya bisa disajikan dua saja. Semoga bisa disajikan lebih banyak lagi agar sobat bisa mengetahui cara membuat dan mempraktikkan procedure text. :)

Contoh diambil dari WikiHow

Penjelasan dan Contoh Procedure Text, Procedural Teks

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93 ratings.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Memenangkan Lomba Pidato "Bahasa Inggris"

Ingin menang lomba / kontes / kompetisi pidato bahasa Inggris? Sobat harus baca beberapa poin penting berpidato dalam artikel ini. Coba santai sejenak karena tips atau cara ini tidak menyangkut dengan pidato kenegaraan ataupun kampanye partai politik..

Sejujurnya, syarat utama dalam berpidato bahasa Inggris adalah sobat harus lancar berbicara bahasa Inggris (Jangan baca: Cara Ekstrim Lancar Bicara Bahasa Inggris). Jika sobat tidak lancar dalam speaking bahasa Inggris, alangkah baiknya sobat tak usah "terpaksa" ikut lomba pidato bahasa Inggris. Jika sobat "terpaksa / dipaksa" ikut lomba dengan keadaan tidak siap berbicara lancar dalam bahasa Inggris, saya khawatir akan ada beberapa hal yang memalukan saat sobat sedang berpidato di depan juri dan hadirin lainnya.

Namun jika sobat sudah merasa yakin lancar berbahasa Inggris, saatnya sobat harus mengetahui beberapa hal penting dalam memenangkan lomba pidato bahasa Inggris di bawah ini, Oke...




Struktur dan Pengaturan isi Pidato

  1. Pembukaan yang menarik perhatian
  2. Isi Pidato
  3. Kesimpulan
 Catatan :

* Cara mencari perhatian penonton dalam berpidato, sebaiknya merujuk kembali pada Pembukaan
* Jangan lupa untuk memungkinkan reaksi dari penonton seperti tertawa atau ragu-ragu dalam pidato Anda.

Bahan / Materi Pendukung:

  1. Judul: Jelas, tidak ambigu, dan tajam.
  2. Penggunaan alat bantu visual dan / atau alat keperluan pidato: Jika Anda menggunakan alat bantuan visual atau alat bantu pidato lainnya, pastikan Anda dapat menggunakannya dengan benar dan tenang.
  3. Gunakan humor dalam pidato Anda. Ciptakan emosi penonton dan juri!


Pencapaian Tujuan
: Pidato Anda harus memiliki tujuan yang dapat diidentifikasi / dikenali: seperti untuk mendidik, memotivasi, menginspirasi, mengangkat "moral", atau membujuk.

Minat Penonton: Berpidatolah dengan isi positif, dan jangan pernah berisi hal-hal berbau negatif karena tujuan berpidato adalah agar penonton bisa terinspirasi, terhibur, atau diberi informasi. Jangan berbicara tentang topik yang terlalu kontroversial dan mungkin menyinggung beberapa penonton.


Ide, Logika, dan Pemikiran Asli: Cobalah untuk berpidato dengan membahas topik-topik materi terkini yang segar dan baru. Hindari berbicara tentang materi kuno yang kebanyakan orang sudah mengetahuinya.



Penampilan fisik harus rapi, rambut tidak acak-acakan, pokoknya rapi "menurut" kaidah orang Indonesia pada umumnya.

Bahasa Tubuh saat berpidato: tidak boleh berkeliling di sekitar panggung, gerakan tubuh harus tertata rapi. Pastikan gestur tubuh sesuai dengan suara pidato dan cobalah hindari kelakuan buruk yang sering anda lakukan.(ngu*il, misalnya)


Fleksibilitas: Suara Anda harus bergerak dari satu nada satu ke nada yang lain agar reaksi penonton positif dan terbawa oleh pidato sobat.

Volume: Gunakan berbagai tingkat volume suara untuk menekankan beberapa bagian pidato tersebut. Tapi juga pastikan suara Anda selalu keras dan cukup jelas bagi para penonton agar terdengar jelas seluruh pidato yang anda sampaikan!


Jadilah percaya diri dan profesional. Ketika anda berbicara langsung kepada penonton. Anda harus tahu isi pidato secara menyeluruh; terus berbicara meskipun ada beberapa bagian yang anda lupa. Jangan sampai penonton / juri tahu bahwa anda lupa isi pidato. Intinya selalu antusias dan percaya diri ketika berpidato.



Akurasi bahasa dalam bidato sangat penting. Periksalah isi pidato Anda sebelum Mengubah Pronoun (kata ganti) dari orang ketiga (he, she) ke orang pertama (I). Karena hal tersebut bisa mengurangi nilai "bahasa" pidato anda. Dan juga struktur bahasa lainnya.


Jika ada kata yang sulit diucapkan, jangan pernah mencoba mengucapkannya, ganti kata tersebut dengan padanan yang sama. Misalnya kata murderous, jika susah diucapkan ganti saja sinonimnya danger.


Gunakan kata-kata yang mudah dipahami oleh penonton. Meskipun begitu anda harus tetap mengikuti kadiah pemilihan kata yang tepat. Jangan sampai ada kata yang tidak pas diterapkan dalam sebuah pidato. Misalnya saja penggunaan kata non-formal, hey dudes ! What the hell is this speech!! :)


Praktek, praktek, praktek! Praktek di depan berbagai jenis manusia :) Cobalah berlatih pidato bahasa Inggris anda di depan kawan dekat, kawan jauh, ibu guru IPS, bapak guru biologi, dan tentu bapak dan ibu guru bahasa Inggris. Lihatlah respon mereka.... Tanyakan, apa yang kurang dari pidato yang anda sampaikan... Apakah sudah mirip dengan pidato Obama???

Catatan: Jangan lupa berdo'a :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Dongeng - Mengapa Gagak Berwarna Hitam

Dongeng berbahasa Inggris - Mengapa Gagak Berwarna Hitam (Why Crows Are Black). Selamat Membaca...
IN THE OLDEN DAYS, when the tigers still lived in peace with other animals, the crow was called "The Bird of Paradise." Her feathers were of purest white; but since then she has lost these beautiful white feathers and in their place wears black ones.

How this came about is told in a very old tale:

When Allah had shaped the fishes, the birds, and the four-footed beasts, he called the white crow to him and said, "Bird of Paradise, you are large and handsome, you are strong and swift; therefore you shall be my messenger."

The crow bowed her sleek white head and said, "Great Allah, I will be your messenger. Tell me what you wish me to do.

Allah showed the white crow a bit of clay, and said, "From this clay I am going to knead a man."

So Allah kneaded a man, and when he had laid the figure near him on the ground he called the animals to admire it.

All of them came the birds, the four-footed beasts, and the fishes. All of them looked on the man made of clay that lay motionless on the ground. And when Allah asked, "Well, how do you like this man?" the fishes began by saying, "It's a very, very strange thing!"

"Is that a man?' cried the birds in amazement. "It's nothing but a piece of clay!"

"Yes, that's all it is just a piece of clay!" the four-footed beasts cried, too.

"And you, my messenger, what do you think of this man?"
Allah asked the white crow.

"I say that it has a wonderful shape," answered the crow, "but . . ."

"What else do you want to say?" asked Allah.

"Only this: there is no life in the man," the crow said at last.

"There shall indeed be life in the man," Allah said then.
"And I not only wish to give him life, I want to make him immortal. Therefore I am sending you, my messenger, this very day to bring me the life-water from the fountain of life, that shall make man immortal."

"And in what shall I fetch the water?" asked the white crow. "Will one beak-full be enough to make the man immortal?"

"No," Allah replied. "You must fetch the water in the big vessel that you will find beside the fountain of life. And remember this: do not let any other animal drink of the water, because I want man alone to be immortal. Promise me that you will not drink any of it, either."

"I promise," said the white crow, and she flew away to fetch the life-giving water. The fountain of life was far away, and the white crow became tired and thirsty.

After she filled the vessel and had flown part of the way back, she had a great desire to drink just a few drops of the water. "Allah will never be able to see that there are a few drops missing," she reasoned to herself. "And why shouldn't I slake my thirst with the water? Then I shall be immortal, too."

So thought the white crow. And the more she thought about it, the more she longed for immortality. Finally she drank a few drops . . . and then a few more . . . and, at last, she had almost emptied the vessel.

"Is that the vessel full of life-water that you were to bring me?" asked Allah, when he saw the few drops that still remained in it. "With these few drops I can give man life, but I cannot make him immortal. Why were you unable to fill the vessel, my messenger?"

"There was no more life-water in the fountain/' lied the white crow.

At that moment a magpie, whose feathers also were a beautiful white, flew to Allah, and cried, "The white crow lies, Lord; she herself drank of the life-water that was in the jar. I sat in a tree along the way and I saw her drinking/'

When Allah heard this, he was so angry at the white crow that he took her beautiful white feathers from her and in place of them gave her black ones.

And when the black-feathered crow stood before him with her head bowed in shame, Allah spoke to her and to the magpie, "I expel you both from Paradise. You, crow, because you drank the life-water and then lied about it. And you, magpie, because you were a spy and a talebearer, I will take away half of your white feathers and, even as the crow, you shall have black ones in their place!"

That is why the magpie has black-and-white feathers, and the crow is entirely black.

But whether or not the life-water made the crow immortal the story does not tell.