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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Verb Pattern 4B - VP4B

Kembali melanjutkan pelajaran verb pattern. Jangan bosan mempelajari verb pattern ini sebab akan ada banyak episode berikutnya yang tidak kalah menarik untuk dibahas.

Verb pattern 4B (VP4B) adalah kelanjutan dari materi sebelumnya VP4A tentang intransitive verb yang diikuti oleh to infinitive / to infinitive phrase. Jika VP4A to infinitive / to infinitive phrase mengandung arti purpose, outcome atau result, dalam VP4B ini to infinitive / to infinitive phrase mengandung makna sepadan dengan coordinate clause dan subordinate clause.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita bersama-sama melihat contoh VP4B pada tabel di bawah ini :

Catatan 30
Nomor 2 berasal dari kalimat : When he awoke he found himself in a ditch.
Nomor 3 berasal dari kalimat : The good all days have gone and will never return.
Nomor 4 berasal dari kalimat : Electronic music has come and will stay.

Jika anda jeli memahami kalimat di atas maka pada dasarnya kalimat tersebut adalah modifikasi dari kalimat majemuk setara dan bertingkat (coordinate clause dan subordinate clause). Lihat pada catatan, kalimat asalnya masih membutuhkan conjunction "kata sambung" when, and dan bisa kata sambung yang lain.

Referensi :

Hornby, AS. 1976. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English: 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.

Sejarah Tenses dalam Grammar Bahasa Inggris

Saya bukan ahli sejarah; saya pun bukan ahli grammar bahasa Inggris. Lalu mengapa saya harus repot-ropot membahas sejarah tenses bahasa Inggris? Sederhana saja, sejarah tidak boleh hilang dari muka bumi. Sejarah adalah pengalaman yang harus kita pertimbangkan demi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan di masa yang akan datang.

Begitu juga dalam tenses, sejarahnya tidak boleh musnah hanya karena perdebatan rumus tenses 16 atau malah 12. Tenses harus tetap ada dalam buku grammar bahasa Inggris. Tenses lah yang membuat buku grammar laku dibeli dan dibaca pecinta grammar di dunia. Tanpa tenses, grammar hanya berisi teori yang pasti bikin kepala nyut-nyut. Tanpa tenses, grammar ibarat nasi tanpa lauk pauk plus sayur asam..

Untuk itu, mari kita baca saja (jika anda mau) buku sejarah tentang tenses ini, hingga tidak membuat jari-jari saya rontok karena lama mengetik tulisan membosankan mengenai sejarah "tenses dalam grammar bahasa Inggris".

Jaringan lelet, dan tidak konsentrasi membaca sejarah tenses bahasa Inggris secara online? Oke, tak perlu risau dan gelisah, download saja di link di bawah ini :

Selamat, anda adalah salah satu bagian dari sejarah tenses dalam grammar bahasa Inggris...

Lebih banyak tulisan tentang tenses = Tenses Bahasa Inggris (Explained)

Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Tersulit

Pola struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris secara ringkas dan sederhana pasti anda sudah tahu. Mungkin anda ingin mengetahui lebih banyak lagi pola modifikasi kalimat bahasa Inggris secara masif biar otak anda penuh sesak dengan berbagai pola pembentukan kalimat bahasa Inggris yang menarik.

Biasanya, pola modifikasi kalimat bahasa Inggris yang indah, estetik, menarik dan serba wah ada pada susunan kalimat bahasa Inggris yang ada pada karya sastra tingkat tinggi. Sebut saja pola kalimat Shakespeare, orang bule sekalipun pasti harus membuka kamus terdahulu untuk mengetahui makna sederhana dari beberapa kosakata bahasa Inggris yang Shakespeare tuliskan.

Disini saya tidak sedang membahas tulisan Shakespeare, namun hanya merangsang otak anda untuk berpikir sejenak mengenai pola kalimat bahasa Inggris yang sulit untuk dipahami. Mengapa saya katakan bahwa pola kalimat bahasa Inggris ini sulit? Ya karena pola kalimat ini tidak semudah pola kalimat bahasa Inggris pada umumnya (baca: Pola Kalimat "Dasar" Bahsa Inggris).

Sekedar pemanasan, mari kita lihat kalimat di bawah ini :

In my native town of Salem, at the head of what, half a century ago, in the days of old King Derby, was a bustling wharf–but which is now burdened with decayed wooden warehouses, and exhibits few or no symptoms of commercial life; except, perhaps, a bark or brig, half-way down its melancholy length, discharging hides; or, nearer at hand, a Nova Scotia schooner, pitching out her cargo of firewood–at the head, I say, of this dilapidated wharf, which the tide often overflows, and along which, at the base and in the rear of the row of buildings, the track of many languid years is seen in a border of unthrifty grass–here, with a view from its front windows adown this not very enlivening prospect, and thence across the harbour, stands a spacious edifice of brick. by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, “The Custom-House” (from the third paragraph)

Catatan :

Ingat tulisan di atas adalah KALIMAT. Namanya juga kalimat, karena itu pasti diakhiri oleh satu titik (.)  Kalimat di atas bukan sembarang kalimat; kalimat di atas benar-benar membuat otak pecinta bahasa Inggris terkuras. Lihat saja di mana subject kalimat di atas, jika anda benar menemukan subject kalimat di atas dengan sangat cepat, tepat dan benar, maka sudahlah jangan baca artikel bahasa Inggris ini karena saya yakin anda lebih pintar dari saya.

Namun, jika kalimat di atas membuat anda merasa pusing, dimohon untuk bertanya pada guru bahasa Inggris, dosen bahasa Inggris, tutor bahasa Inggris, atau siapapun yang pintar berbahasa Inggris untuk menjawabnya. Ya, sekali-kali jangan mereka saja yang memberikan PR/tugas kepada anda, GURU/DOSEN BAHASA INGGRIS JUGA PERLU DIKASIH PR. Tanyakan pada mereka, analisis kalimat di atas menurut kaidah bahasa Inggris yang berlaku.
Jika mereka (guru/dosen bahasa Inggris red) tidak bisa menjawabnya dengan alasan sibuk, maka jangan pernah menjawab PR/Tugas mengenai bahasa Inggris yang mereka tugaskan, adil kan?. Masa dosen/guru bahasa Inggris menganalisis satu kalimat bahasa Inggris saja tidak bisa? Sekolah lagi saja Pa/Bu...

Mohon maaf, saya tidak sedang memojokkan pihak yang saya sebut; saya hanya sedang berbagi untuk bersama-sama berpikir tentang tantangan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sesungguhnya. Bukan sekedar LULUS UJIAN NASIONAL, tapi juga menciptakan penulis hebat sekaliber Shakespeare...

Verb Pattern 4A - VP4A

Verb pattern 3 sudah kita selesaikan, sekarang saatnya membahas mengenai Verb Pattern 4A (VP4A). Duh ternyata banyak sekali pembahasan mengenai Verb pattern, maklum pembahasan verb (kata kerja) dalam belajar grammar itu memang pelajaran yang tidak pernah habis untuk dibahas.

Oke kita lanjutkan, masih seputar intransitive verb (kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan object). Dalam Verb Pattern 4A susunan setelah kata kerja intransitive diikuti oleh to infinitive / to infinitive phrase. To infinitive ini bisa bermakna purpose, outcome, atau result.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita lihat tabel berikut :

Catatan 29

Pada kalimat nomor 1 sampai 7, to bermakna in order to mengindikasikan makna "bertujuan untuk".
Pada kalimat nomor 8, kalimat modifikasi dari kalimat The time came when he saw the he was mistaken.
Pada kalimat nomor 16, kalimat bermakna We are in the position where we may lose a large sum of money.
Tuh kan terbukti, modifikasi verb (kata kerja) dari Hornby benar-benar menarik untuk dibahas karena pasti anda berpikir lebih dari sekali untuk memahami kalimat modifikasi dari beberapa Verb Pattern ala Hornby ini...


Hornby, AS. 1976. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English: 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Verb Pattern 3B - VP3B

Verb pattern 3A sudah kita bahas kemarin, sekarang saatnya melanjutkan pembahasan Verb Pattern 3B bukan? Ah, memang belajar grammar itu yang terpenting kita tahu verb; begitulah catatan terakhir guru grammar favorit saya.

Seperti halnya VP3A, Verb Pattern 3B (VP3B) ini memiliki preposition setelah kata kerja intransitif. Bedanya dalam VP3B ini preposition cenderung dihilangkan. Dalam verb pattern 3B ini, kata kerja sekilas seperti kata kerja transitif sama seperti pada VP3A yang bisa dipasifkan karena dianggap satu kesatuan (phrasal verb).

Jika pada VP3A, object of preposition berupa noun, pronoun dan gerund, dalam VP3B ini object of prepositon berupa that clause (noun clause berawalan that) dan bentuk noun clause lainnya. Namun biasanya prepositionnya dihilangkan.

Contoh :

He insists on his innocence. (VP3A)
He insists that he is innocence. (VP3B)

Memang, dalam susunan kalimatnya VP3B ini mirip sekali dengan VP9 yang dianggap sebagai transitive verb (Pembahasan VP9 semoga bisa dibahas secepatnya) sehingga wajar jika beberapa kamus bahasa Inggris menganggap kata kerja dalam VP3B ini dikategorikan sebagai transitive verb.

Untuk itu, biar tidak penasaran mari kita lihat beberapa contoh VP3B ini pada tabel berikut:

Catatan 28

Berikut adalah kata kerja yang masuk dalam kategori VP3B (maksudnya, tidak ada pertentangan dengan VP9 dan VP10), susunan VP3B ini setelah diubah menjadi VP3A :

Nomor 2 : I agree with you about its being a mistake
Nomor 3 : He complained of being underpaid
Nomor 4 : He boasted of never having had a serious illness
Nomor 7 : Can you swear to his having been in your house that evening?
Nomor 9 : I'll answer for this man honesty
Nomor 11 : Everything depends on their having the courage of their convictions

Yang harus diingat adalah jika pada VP3A preposition tidak dihilangkan, sedang pada VP3B ini preposition dihilangkan dan object of prepositonnya diubah menjadi noun clause.

Hornby, AS. 1976. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English: 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.

Dongeng Bahasa Inggris - Wanita tanpa Tangan

A certain miller had little by little fallen into poverty, and had nothing left but his mill and a large apple-tree behind it.  Once when he had gone into the forest to fetch wood, an old man stepped up to him whom he had never seen before, and said, why do you plague yourself with cutting wood, I will make you rich, if you will promise me what is standing behind your mill.  What can that be but my apple-tree, thought the miller, and said, yes, and gave a written promise to the stranger.  He, however, laughed mockingly and said, when three years have passed, I will come and carry away what belongs to me, and then he went.  When the miller got home, his wife came to meet him and said, tell me, miller, from whence comes this sudden wealth into our house.  All at once every box and chest was filled, no one brought it in, and I know not how it happened.  He answered, it comes from a stranger who met me in the forest, and promised me great treasure.  I' in return, have promised him what stands behind the mill - we can very well give him the big apple-tree for it.  Ah, husband, said the terrified wife, that must have been the devil.  He did not mean the apple-tree, but our daughter, who was standing behind the mill sweeping the yard.

The miller's daughter was a beautiful, pious girl, and lived through the three years in the fear of God and without sin.  When therefore the time was over, and the day came when the evil one was to fetch her, she washed herself clean, and made a circle round herself with chalk.  The devil appeared quite early, but he could not come near to her.  Angrily, he said to the miller, take all water away from her, that she may no longer be able to wash herself, for otherwise I have no power over her.  The miller was afraid, and did so.  The next morning the devil came again, but she had wept on her hands, and they were quite clean.  Again he could not get near her, and furiously said to the miller, cut her hands off, or else I have no power over her.  The miller was shocked and answered, how could I cut off my own child's hands.  Then the evil one threatened him and said, if you do not do it you are mine, and I will take you yourself.

The father became alarmed, and promised to obey him.  So he went to the girl and said, my child, if I do not cut off both your hands, the devil will carry me away, and in my terror I have promised to do it.  Help me in my need, and forgive me the harm I do you.  She replied, dear father, do with me what you will, I am your child.  Thereupon she laid down both her hands, and let them be cut off.  The devil came for the third time, but she had wept so long and so much on the stumps, that after all they were quite clean.  Then he had to give in, and had lost all right over her.

The miller said to her, I have by means of you received such great wealth that I will keep you most handsomely as long as you live.  But she replied, here I cannot stay, I will go forth, compassionate people will give me as much as I require.

Thereupon she caused her maimed arms to be bound to her back, and by sunrise she set out on her way, and walked the whole day until night fell.  Then she came to a royal garden, and by the shimmering of the moon she saw that trees covered with beautiful fruits grew in it, but she could not enter, for it was surrounded by water.

And as she had walked the whole day and not eaten one mouthful, and hunger tormented her, she thought, ah, if I were but inside, that I might eat of the fruit, else must I die of hunger.  Then she knelt down, called on God the Lord, and prayed.  And suddenly an angel came towards her, who made a dam in the water, so that the moat became dry and she could walk through it.  And now she went into the garden and the angel went with her.  She saw a tree covered with beautiful pears, but they were all counted.  Then she went to them, and to still her hunger, ate one with her mouth from the tree, but no more.  The gardener was watching, but as the angel was standing by, he was afraid and thought the maiden was a spirit, and was silent, neither did he dare to cry out, or to speak to the spirit.  When she had eaten the pear, she was satisfied, and went and concealed herself among the bushes.  The king to whom the garden belonged, came down to it next morning, and counted, and saw that one of the pears was missing, and asked the gardener what had become of it, as it was not lying beneath the tree, but was gone.  Then answered the gardener, last night, a spirit came in, who had no hands, and ate off one of the pears with its mouth.  The king said, how did the spirit get over the water, and where did it go after it had eaten the pear.  The gardener answered, someone came in a snow-white garment from heaven who made a dam, and kept back the water, that the spirit might walk through the moat. And as it must have been an angel, I was afraid, and asked no questions, and did not cry out.  When the spirit had eaten the pear, it went back again.  The king said, if it be as you say, I will watch with you to-night.

When it grew dark the king came into the garden and brought a priest with him, who was to speak to the spirit.  All three seated themselves beneath the tree and watched.  At midnight the maiden came creeping out of the thicket, went to the tree, and again ate one pear off it with her mouth, and beside her stood the angel in white garments.  Then the priest went out to them and said, "Do you come from heaven or from earth?  Are you a spirit, or a human being?"  She replied, "I am no spirit, but an unhappy mortal deserted by all but God."  The king said, "If you are forsaken by all the world, yet will I not forsake you."  He took her with him into his royal palace, and as she was so beautiful and good, he loved her with all his heart, had silver hands made for her, and took her to wife.

After a year the king had to go on a journey, so he commended his young queen to the care of his mother and said, if she is brought to child-bed take care of her, nurse her well, and tell me of it at once in a letter.  Then she gave birth to a fine boy.  So the old mother made haste to write and announce the joyful news to him.  But the messenger rested by a brook on the way, and as he was fatigued by the great distance, he fell asleep.  Then came the devil, who was always seeking to injure the good queen, and exchanged the letter for another, in which was written that the queen had brought a monster into the world.  When the king read the letter he was shocked and much troubled, but he wrote in answer that they were to take great care of the queen and nurse her well until his arrival.

The messenger went back with the letter, but rested at the same place and again fell asleep.  Then came the devil once more, and put a different letter in his pocket, in which it was written that they were to put the queen and her child to death.  The old mother was terribly shocked when she received the letter, and could not believe it.  She wrote back again to the king, but received no other answer, because each time the devil substituted a false letter, and in the last letter it was also written that she was to preserve the queen's tongue and eyes as a token that she had obeyed.

But the old mother wept to think such innocent blood was to be shed, and had a hind brought by night and cut out her tongue and eyes, and kept them.  Then said she to the queen, "I cannot have you killed as the king commands, but here you may stay no longer.  Go forth into the wide world with your child, and never come here again."  The poor woman tied her child on her back, and went away with eyes full of tears.  She came into a great wild forest, and then she fell on her knees and prayed to God, and the angel of the Lord appeared to her and led her to a little house on which was a sign with the words, here all dwell free.  A snow-white maiden came out of the little house and said, welcome, lady queen, and conducted her inside.  Then she unbound the little boy from her back, and held him to her breast that he might feed, and laid him in a beautifully-made little bed.  Then said the poor woman, "From whence do you know that I was a queen?"

The white maiden answered, "I am an angel sent by God, to watch over you and your child."  The queen stayed seven years in the little house, and was well cared for, and by God's grace, because of her piety, her hands which had been cut off, grew once more.

At last the king came home again from his journey, and his first wish was to see his wife and the child.  Then his aged mother began to weep and said, "You wicked man, why did you write to me that I was to take those two innocent lives," and she showed him the two letters which the evil one had forged, and then continued, "I did as you bade me, and she showed the tokens, the tongue and eyes."  Then the king began to weep for his poor wife and his little son so much more bitterly than she was doing, that the aged mother had compassion on him and said, "be at peace, she still lives, I secretly caused a hind to be killed, and took these tokens from it, but I bound the child to your wife's back and bade her go forth into the wide world, and made her promise never to come back here again, because you were so angry with her."  Then spoke the king, "I will go as far as the sky is blue, and will neither eat nor drink until I have found again my dear wife and my child, if in the meantime they have not been killed, or died of hunger."

Thereupon the king traveled about for seven long years, and sought her in every cleft of the rocks and in every cave, but he found her not, and thought she had died of want.  During the whole time he neither ate nor drank, but God supported him.  At length he came into a great forest, and found therein the little house whose sign was, here all dwell free.  Then forth came the white maiden, took him by the hand, led him in, and said, "Welcome, lord king," and asked him from whence he came.  He answered, "Soon shall I have traveled about for the space of seven years, and I seek my wife and her child, but cannot find them."  The angel offered him meat and drink, but he did not take anything, and only wished to rest a little.  Then he lay down to sleep, and laid a handkerchief over his face.

Thereupon the angel went into the chamber where the queen sat with her son, whom she usually called Sorrowful, and said to her, go out with your child, your husband has come.  So she went to the place where he lay, and the handkerchief fell from his face.  Then said she, "Sorrowful, pick up your father's handkerchief, and cover his face again."  The child picked it up, and put it over his face again.  The king in his sleep heard what passed, and had pleasure in letting the handkerchief fall once more.  But the child grew impatient, and said, "Dear mother, how can I cover my father's face when I have no father in this world.  I have learnt to say the prayer – Our Father, which art in heaven - you have told me that my father was in heaven, and was the good God, and how can I know a wild man like this.  He is not my father."  When the king heard that, he got up, and asked who they were.  Then said she, "I am your wife, and that is your son, Sorrowful".  And he saw her living hands, and said, "My wife had silver hands."  She answered, "The good God has caused my natural hands to grow again," and the angel went into the inner room, and brought the silver hands, and showed them to him.  Hereupon he knew for a certainty that it was his dear wife and his dear child, and he kissed them, and was glad, and said, "A heavy stone has fallen from off my heart."  Then the angel of God ate with them once again, and after that they went home to the king's aged mother.  There were great rejoicings everywhere, and the king and queen were married again, and lived contentedly to their happy end.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Verb Pattern 3A

Kembali melanjutkan pelajaran Verb Pattern. Ya, sekarang saatnya menambah wawasan kita mengenai Verb Pattern 3A (VP3A). Harus diingat bahwa Verb Pattern 1 - 5 masih tentang Intransitive Verb.

Horby (1976: 30) menjelaskan tentang VP3A dengan menuliskan, "In this pattern the preposition may be followed by a noun, a pronoun or a gerund." Jadi, dalam VP3A ini kata kerja intransitif diikuti preposition (kata depan) dan setelah preposition tersebut bisa berupa noun, pronoun ataupun gerund.

Biasanya, intransitive verb ini selalu berpasangan dengan preposition tertentu, dalam istilah grammar, umumnya gabungan antara Verb intransitive + Preposition disebut phrasal verb.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat tabel berikut :

Catatan 26

Meski dianggap sebagai intransitive verb, namun ketika intransitive verb tersebut digabung dengan preposition maka fungsinya menjadi transitive verb. Artinya, contoh kalimat di atas bisa dipasifkan. Sebagai contoh nomor 10 bisa dipasifkan menjadi A doctor must be sent for.

Catatan 27

Dalam VP3A ini juga bisa menambahkan to infinitive phrase. Lihat contoh di atas.

Yang harus diingat adalah, "kata kerja intransitif di atas biasanya sudah berpasangan dengan kata sambung tertentu". Jadi tidak sembarangan menambahkan kata sambung "Preposition" pada setiap intransitive verb. (Jika masih diberi kesempatan menulis, semoga saja saya bisa membahas tentang Certain Verbs with Prepositon di lain kesempatan) 

Dan semoga tulisan di atas bermanfaat.... 

Hornby, AS. 1976. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English: 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.

Dongeng Bahasa Inggris - Mengapa Buaya Benci Manusia

IN THE NORTHEASTERN PART of the Tengger mountains lies the Lake of Grati, the so-called Crocodile Lake.

The lake got its name from the many crocodiles which, centuries and centuries ago, mysteriously appeared in its waters; then, after living there a while, they as mysteriously disappeared, leaving in their stead the ikan leleh, a long, dark-grey fish something like an eel. These fish were really the reason why the crocodiles are now the enemies of man. How this came about is told in the following legend:

Long, long ago, when the villagers were simple, kindly folk, the crocodiles that lived in the Lake of Grati were on friendly terms with the people of the neighborhood.

The oldest pair of crocodiles, who were called Kyai and Nyai Buaja, were the great-great-great-great-great-grandparents of the youngest crocodiles. Because they were so old, the gods had given Kyai and Nyai Buaja the power to change themselves, as soon as twilight fell, into human beings; but as soon
as day broke they had to become crocodiles again.

Now Kyai and Nyai Buaja owned a gamelan which they had safely hidden away in their home on the bottom of the lake. This gamelan, which made very beautiful music, was always being borrowed by the villagers whenever they had a marriage or a harvest feast to celebrate. In order to get in the good graces of the old crocodiles, those who wanted to hold a feast would send a little raft out on the water to the place where Kyai and Nyai Buaja came to the surface every day. On the raft would be burning incense and a fine duck or perhaps a chicken. When the old pair appeared, the people would cry, "Kyai and Nyai Buaja, my daughter is going to be married," or "We are going to have a harvest feast; our rice is ripe. May we please borrow your gamelan? And we hope you will come to the feast, too/'

When the people had said this, the two crocodiles would dive down to the depths of the lake, and it wasn't long before the raft, with the gamelan on it, would reappear on the shore.

And, shortly before midnight on the evenings when the celebrations were being held and the soft, lovely music of the gamelan was drifting over the lake, Kyai and Nyai Buaja would appear in their human forms and would take part in the festivities. They would stay until just an hour before sunrise, because they were afraid that if they stayed longer and were turned back into their crocodile shapes, they would frighten the people, and they didn't want that to happen.

This went on for many years. The people often asked for the loan of the gamelan, and as often as they asked for it they would put a duck or a chicken or a little wild pig or perhaps a deer on the raft, in return. All this, of course, made the crocodiles feel more and more friendly toward the villagers.

But everything was changed when a woman called Leleh came to live in a nearby village.

Leleh was a wicked woman. People said that she was a witch, and that her charms could call forth the evil spirits, and that was why she had been banished from the village where she was born. They even said that she knew a charm that could make her turn into a tiger, but this was not true. She was, however, a sly and cunning woman, and a thief. She stole the chickens and the eggs of the villagers, and she chased away the wild ducks that came to the shores of the lake to lay their eggs. And, what was worst of all, she plagued the crocodiles.

She grew so daring in her plaguing that one day she tied a fat duck to the end of a rope and put it on the raft, and then cried in a loud voice, "Kyai and Nyai Buaja, I'm sending you something delicious for your meal. Come up and see what it is; it's all ready for you on the raft!"

The two big heads of the old crocodiles had hardly appeared on the surface of the water, and they had hardly looked around with their knowing eyes, before the wicked Leleh pulled the little rope that was attached to the leg of the duck and drew it back to the shore. And she cried tauntingly, "I, too, like a tasty tidbit! Find something else for yourselves, old ones!" And thereupon she built a fire, roasted the duck to a delicate brown, and sat down and ate every last crumb of it.

After this had happened again and again, the old crocodiles began to tire of it. They said nothing to anyone, neither to Leleh herself nor to the villagers, but they decided between themselves that Leleh must be punished and soon. So the next time she put a duck on the raft and called out, 'Tm sending you a delicious morsel for your meal, old ones!" Kyai Buaja called back, "Send the raft a little nearer, Leleh. My wife is sick and I cannot leave her."

Leleh pushed the raft a little farther, but at the same time she pulled the duck off. And no sooner had she done this than from all sides the crocodiles shot out of the water and, led by Kyai Buaja himself, dragged Leleh with them down to the depths of the lake. There Kyai changed her into a fish which he called the leleh fish, or ikan leleh.

He told her that from now on she would have to take care of all his great great-great-grandchildren, the young crocodiles. But when she tried to do this, the young crocodiles bit her so fiercely that her fins became weak (and from that time to this the leleh fish has been a weak-finned fish) . She was forbidden ever to leave the lake again. She could not have done so anyhow, because her many descendants put her in a narrow cleft in the rocks and forced her to stay there. There were so many of these fish, her descendants, that soon there were more leleh fish than crocodiles. Kyai and Nyai Buaja finally had to call on the villagers to help them.

The villagers fished day and night for the wicked lelehs and they caught them by the netfuls. But the more they caught, the more there were left in the lake.

Kyai and Nyai Buaja thought that the villagers were in league with the fish and merely caught them and then threw them back into the lake. And so they and all the other crocodiles became angry with people. They became so angry that they swore eternal enmity. Kyai Buaja himself said that whenever he met a human being he would kill him immediately.

And one day, when the water in the lake was higher than usual, Kyai and Nyai Buaja and all the other crocodiles left the place where they had lived so happily before the coming of Leleh.

They left the lake in such a mysterious manner that none of the village people noticed their going. They only knew that the next day ? when they went down to the lake and called, the crocodiles were gone. And they never came back.

Diceritakan Adele Leeuw dalam Indonesian Legends and Folk Tales

Kembali ke Kumpulan Cerita Legenda Bahasa Inggris

Verb Pattern 2E - VP2E

Verb Pattern 2E (VP2E) adalah bagian akhir pembahasan verb pattern 2. Jadi dalam verb pattern 2 membahas 5 jenis Verb Pattern, yaitu: VP2A, VP2B, VP2C, VP2D dan sekarang VP2E.

Masih seputar Intransitive verb, jika pada VP2D complement "pelengkap" berupa adjective (kata sifat), VP2C complement berupa adverbial (kata keterangan), VP2B complement berupa adverbial of duration, weight, distance, etc, nah dalam VP2E ini complement berupa present participle (Verb-ing).

Pernah lihat kalimat I usually go fishing on holiday. Itu dia VP2E.. Untuk lebih jelas dan memudahkan memahami VP2E ini, mari kita lihat table berikut :

Semoga tabel di atas bisa bermanfaat, Ok

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dongeng Bahasa Inggris - Cholera, Fear & Death

Dongeng berbahasa Inggris tentang perbincangan tiga sahabat (The Three Companions) Penyakit Kolera, Rasa Takut dan Kematian. Selamat membaca....

EVERY YEAR Cholera made a visit to the Holy City of Mecca. Her companions were always Death and Fear. One year it happened that Fear came before Death and Cholera, and the gatekeeper, who did not know her, let her go into the city.

When the other two appeared before the gate of the Holy City, the watchman called angrily, "So! You come again to bring sorrow and misery, do you? And how many victims are you going to take this time, cursed Cholera?"

"Don't carry on so” Cholera said easily. "I imagine I won't take more than five hundred."

"And you, dread Death," the gatekeeper cried, turning to her. "How many people are you going to take out of the Holy City to your kingdom?"

"Oh, Til take whatever Cholera gives me," Death answered quietly.

"Well," the gatekeeper muttered, "go in. But watch out, Cholera, that you take no more than five hundred victims! You promised! And you, Death, don't you dare to take more than Cholera gives you!"

"Gatekeeper," they said together, "you can rely on our word." And side by side they passed through the opened gate and into the Holy City.

Long weeks they remained in the city, and then they called to the gatekeeper to open the gates again.

"Hmm," the gatekeeper muttered, "how many victims do you take, Cholera?"

"I did my best not to go beyond the promised number/' Cholera answered. "And so I am taking no more than four hundred and ninety/'

"Now, that sounds as if you're speaking the truth," the gatekeeper decided. He turned toward Death. "And you, Death, how many are you taking with you?"

"Oh, I am taking more than a thousand with me," Death answered at once.

The gatekeeper was horrified. "How can that be?" he cried in astonishment. "Cholera herself said she is taking only four hundred and ninety!"

"Yes," Death answered, "that is what Cholera is taking. But most of those who died were taken by Fear, who came unnoticed through your gate. One day you will know, old man, that our sister Fear does more harm and causes more deaths than Cholera!" 

Diceritakan Adele Leeuw dalam Indonesian Legends and Folk Tales

Kembali ke Kumpulan Cerita Legenda Bahasa Inggris

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris tentang Vocabulary

Bagi mahasiswa yang akan mengerjakan skripsi, pasti anda membutuhkan contoh skripsi bahasa Inggris sebagai bahan pertimbangan / pembanding skripsi anda. Jika anda ingin membuat skripsi dengan wilayah kajian vocabulary / kosakata bahasa Inggris, mungkin tulisan ini bisa dipertimbangkan.

Contoh skripsi bahasa Inggris tentang vocabulary ini ditulis oleh Yenny Octaviany, mahasiswi UNNES dengan judul The Application of Total Physical Response in Teaching Vocabulary to The Fourth Graders of SD Negeri 04 Krajankulon Kaliwungu Kendal in The Academic Year of 2006/2007.

Semoga contoh skripsi bahasa Inggris di bawah ini bisa menginspirasi penyelesaian skripsi anda; dan juga semoga skripsi bahasa Inggris tentang vocabulary ini bisa mempermudah penyelesaian skripsi sobat semua.


Setiap Perguruan tinggi kadang memiliki format berbeda cara penulisan skripsi, mohon dilihat pada panduan penulisan karya ilmiah, khususnya penulisan skripsi di perguruan tinggi anda.dan jangan lupa: Sangat disarankan untuk tidak menyalin semua isi dalam skripsi ini secara mentah-mentah :-) Pahit dong..

Chain Names: Game Memperkenalkan Diri dan Orang Lain

Pembuka : Ada banyak game bahasa Inggris cara memperkenalkan diri kepada orang lain, salah satu permainan bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan adalah Chain Names.

Sebagian guru bahasa Inggris kadang bosan dengan metode mengajar speaking / percakapan bahasa Inggris cara jadul. Bagaimana tidak, mereka harus terlebih dahulu memberitahu siswa cara mengucapkan beberapa ungkapan bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

Misalnya saja, guru bahasa Inggris harus menjelaskan cara memperkenalkan diri dan setelah itu kemudian siswa disuruh maju ke depan kelas untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada siswa lainnya. Huh, sungguh sangat tidak adil bagi siswa, karena bagaimanapun juga siswa yang belum terbiasa maju di depan kelas dan berdiri menghadap puluhan siswa lainnya pasti grogi dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.

Untuk itu, ada beberapa cara klasik namun menarik untuk dipraktikkan siswa agar mengerti cara memperkenalkan diri kepada orang lain atau bahkan cara memperkenalkan orang lain. Cara klasik ini berupa game atau permainan yang terkenal dengan nama "Chain Names".

Game bahasa Inggris Chain Names ini berlaku untuk semua kalangan, dari SD hingga Perguruan tinggi sekalipun. Oleh karen itu, bagi guru bahasa Inggris, jangan pernah ragu untuk menggunakan game bahasa Inggris yang mempermudah mengajarkan cara memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Ringkasan penggunaan Chain Names di dalam Kelas

Aktifitas :  

Aktifitas Terkontrol (Controlled Activity)

Level : 

Semua Level (Termasuk tingkat dasar)

Alokasi Waktu : 

 5 - 10 Menit

Persiapan :  

Tidak ada persiapan

Prosedur :
Prosedur penggunaan permainan bahasa Inggris Chain Names adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Suruh siswa duduk setengah melingkar, dan pilih satu siswa untuk memulai memperkenalkan dirinya.
  2. Siswa kedua yang duduk di samping siswa pertama harus mengulang apa yang diucapkan oleh siswa pertama, dalam hal ini tentang namanya, dan semua tentang perkenalan dirinya. Setelah siswa kedua mengulang perkenalan siswa pertama baru ia harus memperkenalkan dirinya.
  3. Minta siswa anda untuk mengulang prosedur penggunaan game bahasa Inggris Chain Names ini, setiap siswa diwajibkan untuk mengulang nama siswa sebelumnya dan baru menyebutkan nama dirinya. Misalnya : 
  • Siswa A : I am Budi
  • Siswa B : Budi, I am Lisa
  • Siswa C : Budi, Lisa, I am Ahmad
  • Siswa D : Budi, Lisa, Ahmad, I am Avril.
Untuk tingkat yang lebih tinggi, guru bahasa Inggris boleh meminta siswa untuk tidak sekedar memperkenalkan nama saja, tapi juga alamat, tempat tanggal lahir dan lain-lain sehingga pelajaran bahasa Inggris mengenai Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa lebih mudah dan menyenangkan.

Lebih baik game bahasa Inggris Chain Names ini dilakukan oleh 12 siswa dan akan lebih baik lagi jika guru bahasa Inggris ikut berpartisipasi dalam permainan belajar memperkenalkan diri. Semoga bermanfaat...

Nolasco, Rob and Arthur, Luis. 1987. Conversation. New York: Oxford University Press.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Verb Pattern 2D - VP2D

Setelah berlama-lama belajar Verb Pattern 1, VP2A, VP2B, dan VP2C. Kini saatnya kembali melanjutkan belajar Verb Pattern 2D (VP2D).

Seperti halnya pelajaran verb pattern terdahulu, VP2D ini masih seputar intransitive verb (kata kerja yang tidak memiliki object). Memang kata kerja dalam VP2D ini harus kita pahami sebagai Verb Intransitive spesial. Mengapa dikatakan spesial? Ya karena dalam VP2D ini semua kata kerja masih membutuhkan complement yang berupa adjective. Jika tidak ada adjective setelah kata karja VP2D ini, maka kalimat bahasa inggris kita terasa kaku dan tidak wajar.

Beberapa tokoh ahli grammar kata kerja VP2D ini dikategorikan sebagai Linking Verb, Copular Verb dsb. Namun Hornby sendiri mengistilahkan kata kerja dalam VP2D ini sebagai Inchoative Verb.

Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita lihat tabel di bawah ini :

Catatan (20)

Istilah inchoative verb digunakan untuk kata kerja yang menyatakan "permulaan, perkembangan, dan tahap akhir dari perubahan kondisi. Kata kerja paling umum dalam inchoative verb adalah get, become, dan grow.

 Catatan (21)

Kata kerja smell (berbau/baunya), taste (rasanya), feel (rasanya) juga termasuk dalam verb pattern 2D ini.

Catatan (22)

Harus dicatat, selain inchoative verb di atas, ada beberapa collocation yang tidak bisa dipisahkan seperti marry young, sit tight, make sure.

Catatan (23)

Penggunaan Past Participle (Verb 3) bisa digunakan setelah kata kerja inchoative di atas asal past participle  tersebut umum dijadikan adjective. Seperti kata tired, surprised, delighted, pleased, dll. Coba lihat contoh di bawah ini :

He looked tired = ia terlihat lelah (kata tired sangat umum digunakan sebagai adjective)

He looked killed = ia terlihat terbunuh (kata killed setelah look tidak bisa digunakan karena kata killed itu murni sebagai kata kerja past participle, bukan adjectival past participle)

Catatan (24)

Berbeda dengan complement pada table 20 - 23 yang menggunakan adjective, pada tabel nomor 24 ini complement berupa noun.

Pada nomor 1 - 3 bisa disusun ulang menjadi kalimat bahasa Inggris yang umum seperti di bawah ini :

1. He was a millionare when he died
2. He was a bachelor all his life
3. Let us be good friends as we part.

Kata fall pada nomor 4 adalah inchoative verb bermakna "become" yang terkadang dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak diterjemahkan.

Kata make pada nomor 5, 6, 7 bermakna "prove to be" (membuktikan sebagai) atau bisa saja tidak diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Meski kata "make" diberbagai kamus bahasa Inggris dikategorikan sebagai intransitive verb, namun nyatanya make dalam VP2D ini benar-benar intransitive verb.

Setelah kata turn (seperti pada contoh nomor 13) tidak boleh ada article a, an dan the.


Hornby, AS. 1975. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English: 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Simple Present + 20 Contoh Bonus

Anda sibuk belajar tenses bahasa Inggris? Jangan menyerah anda pasti bisa. Untuk sekedar pembukaan, yuk kita pelajari dahulu bagaimana memahami simple present, Ok.

Simple present dalam tenses bahasa Inggris adalah pelajaran pertama. Jika dibandingkan dengan tenses lainnya, simple present menempati urutan kedua termudah setelah simple past. Namun, ada beberapa siswa yang kesulitan dalam membuat contoh simple present. Memang pada dasarnya contoh simple present bisa kita temukan di keseharian kita, namun kadang untuk menulis contoh simple present, kita sering sekali bingung bagaimana memulainya.

Untuk itu, jangan terburu-buru melihat contoh simple presentnya, mari kita pelajari dahulu apa sih simple present itu. Untuk mempelajari simple present, kita dapat lihat pada gambar di bawah ini :

Dari tabel di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa simple present adalah tenses yang menyatakan fakta atau kebenaran umum yang terjadi dari dulu hingga sekarang dan nanti. Selain itu juga, simple present adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aktifitas sehari-hari.

Jadi, setiap fakta umum seperti bumi itu bulat, air mengandung hidrogen dan oksigen, matahari terbit di pagi hari, harus menggunakan simple present. Terus, jika kita menyatakan aktifitas sehari-hari maka simple present juga harus digunakan. Oke..

Mari kita lihat 25 Contoh simple present berikut ini

  1. The sun rises in the east
  2. The sun sets in the west
  3. All dogs have four legs
  4. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen
  5. The average person breathes 21.600 times a day
  6. Each person has one mouth
  7. Animals don't speak English
  8. Love ends with e in spelling
  9. Hate also ends with e in spelling
  10. The world is round

  1. Kathy usually sits in the front row during class.
  2. Daniel always eats a sandwich for lunch
  3. A lazy man usually gets up at seven in the morning
  4. Dina teaches English every day
  5. Budi and Cintya always go fishing every week
  6. Hendi often asks me to play Football every sunday
  7. Javanese people speaks Bahasa Jawa more often than Bahasa Indonesia
  8. Sundanese people speaks Bahasa Sunda more often than Bahasa Indonesia
  9. Aliya always study Mathematics every night
  10. I usually go to school by bus
Nah begitulah 20 contoh simple present.

Keterangan :

Untuk contoh simple present general truth (kebenaran umum), tenses tidak bisa dirubah. Jika kalimat simple presentnya positif, maka tetap harus dalam bentuk kalimat positif. Dan jika contoh kalimat simple present negatif, tetap dalam bentuk kalimat negatif. Mengapa tidak bisa diubah? Ya kan itu 10 contoh simple present tentang kebenaran umum, jadi ya tidak bisa diganggu gugat.

Untuk contoh simple present daily activities (aktifitas sehari-hari) tenses bisa diubah menjadi positif ataupun negatif, itu terserah anda.

Dalam kalimat positif, yang harus anda ingat adalah, penambahan s atau es harus sesuai dengan aturan yang ada.

Dalam kalimat verbal negatif, yang harus anda ingat adalah hanya memakai don't atau doesn't. Sedang dalam kalimat nominal negatif, yang harus anda ingat adalah pemakaian isn't dan are't.

Jika subject kalimat berupa HE, SHE, IT, NAMA ORANG TUNGGAL: LUSI, ANDI, HARRY, NAMA BINATANG ATAU BENDA TUNGGAL: A BOOK, THE CHAIR, A CAR, A LION, THE TIGER, DLL maka kata kerja dalam kalimat verbal negatif menggunakan DOESN'T. Dan kata kerja dalam kalimat nominal berupa ISN'T.

Lusi doesn't speak English
A book doesn't consist of a complete grammar.
She is not here every morning.

Jika subject kalimat berupa, THEY, WE, I, YOU, PLURAL NOUN (KATA BENDA JAMAK) maka kata kerja dalam kalimat verbal negatif menggunakan DON'T. Dan kata kerja dalam kalimat nominal negatif berupa AREN'T.


They don't like My Chemical Romance songs.
We don't want to go camping.
The books aren't on the table.

Jika ada pertanyaan, silahkan tanya guru anda saja ya... :-)
Lihat juga yuk... Rumus Tenses Yang Benar

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Buku Bahasa Inggris

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